faker_file.providers.pdf_file package


Module contents

class faker_file.providers.pdf_file.GraphicPdfFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, GraphicImageMixin

Graphic PDF file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker
from faker_file.providers.pdf_file import GraphicPdfFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

file = FAKER.graphic_pdf_file()

Usage example with options:

file = FAKER.graphic_pdf_file(
    size=(800, 800),

Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings
from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = FAKER.graphic_pdf_file(
    size=(1024, 1024),
extension: str = 'pdf'
graphic_pdf_file(storage: BaseStorage | None = None, basename: str | None = None, prefix: str | None = None, size: Tuple[int, int] = (256, 256), hue: int | Sequence[int] | str | None = None, luminosity: str | None = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
graphic_pdf_file(storage: BaseStorage | None = None, basename: str | None = None, prefix: str | None = None, size: Tuple[int, int] = (256, 256), hue: int | Sequence[int] | str | None = None, luminosity: str | None = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a graphic PDF file with random lines.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • basename – File basename (without extension).

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • size – Image size in pixels.

  • hue – Read more about ://faker.readthedocs.io/en/dev/providers/faker.providers.color.html

  • luminosity – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

image_format: str = 'pdf'
class faker_file.providers.pdf_file.PdfFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

PDF file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker
from faker_file.providers.pdf_file import PdfFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

file = FAKER.pdf_file()

Usage example with options:

file = FAKER.pdf_file(

Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings
from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = FAKER.pdf_file(

Default PDF generator class is PdfkitPdfGenerator which uses pdfkit Python package and wkhtmltopdf system package for generating PDFs from randomly generated text. The quality of the produced PDFs is very good, but it’s less performant than ReportlabPdfGenerator (factor 40x), which does not require additional system dependencies to run. To use it, pass ReportlabPdfGenerator class in pdf_generator_cls argument.

from faker_file.providers.pdf_file.generators import (

file = FAKER.pdf_file(
extension: str = 'pdf'
pdf_file(storage: BaseStorage | None = None, basename: str | None = None, prefix: str | None = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: int | None = None, content: str | DynamicTemplate | None = None, pdf_generator_cls: str | Type[BasePdfGenerator] | None = DEFAULT_PDF_GENERATOR, pdf_generator_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, format_func: Callable[[Faker | Generator | Provider, str], str] = DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNC, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
pdf_file(storage: BaseStorage | None = None, basename: str | None = None, prefix: str | None = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: int | None = None, content: str | DynamicTemplate | None = None, pdf_generator_cls: str | Type[BasePdfGenerator] | None = DEFAULT_PDF_GENERATOR, pdf_generator_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, format_func: Callable[[Faker | Generator | Provider, str], str] = DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNC, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a PDF file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • basename – File basename (without extension).

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • pdf_generator_cls – PDF generator class.

  • pdf_generator_kwargs – PDF generator kwargs.

  • format_func – Callable responsible for formatting template strings.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.