Creating images
Creating images could be a challenging task. System dependencies on one side, large variety of many image formats on another.
Underlying creation of image files has been delegated to an abstraction layer of image generators. If you don’t like how image files are generated or format you need isn’t supported, you can create your own layer, using your favourite library.
Generally speaking, in faker-file each file provider represents a certain file type (with only a few exceptions). For generating a file in PNG format you should use PngFileProvider. For JPEG you would use JpegFileProvider.
Image providers
Currently, there are 3 types of image providers implemented:
Graphic-only image providers.
Mixed-content image providers.
Image augmentation providers.
The graphic-only image providers are only capable of producing random graphics.
The mixed-content image providers can produce an image consisting of both text and graphics. Moreover, text comes in variety of different headings (such as h1, h2, h3, etc), paragraphs and tables.
Image augmentation providers simply augment existing images in a various, declaratively random, ways, such as: flip, resize, lighten, darken, grayscale and others.
Image generators
The following image generators are available.
, built on top of the Pillow. It’s the generator that will likely won’t ask for any system dependencies that you don’t yet have installed.ImgkitImageGenerator
(default), built on top of the imgkit and wkhtmltopdf. Extremely easy to work with. Supports many formats.WeasyPrintImageGenerator
, built on top of the WeasyPrint. Easy to work with. Supports formats that imgkit does not.
Building mixed-content images using imgkit
While imgkit generator is heavier and has wkhtmltopdf as a system dependency, it produces better quality images and has no issues with fonts or unicode characters.
See the following full functional snippet for generating images using imgkit.
from faker import Faker
from faker_file.providers.image.imgkit_generator import ImgkitImageGenerator
from faker_file.providers.png_file import PngFileProvider
FAKER = Faker() # Initialize Faker
FAKER.add_provider(PngFileProvider) # Register PngFileProvider
# Generate PNG file using `imgkit`
pdf_file = FAKER.png_file(image_generator_cls=ImgkitImageGenerator)
See the full example
The generated PNG image will have 10,000 characters of text. The generated image will be as wide as needed to fit those 10,000 characters, but newlines are respected.
If you want image to be less wide, set value of wrap_chars_after
to 80
characters (or any other number that fits your needs). See the example below:
# Generate an image file, wrapping each line after 80 characters
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
image_generator_cls=ImgkitImageGenerator, wrap_chars_after=80
See the full example
To have a longer text, increase the value of max_nb_chars
See the example below:
# Generate an image file of 20,000 characters
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
image_generator_cls=ImgkitImageGenerator, max_nb_chars=20_000
See the full example
As mentioned above, it’s possible to diversify the generated context with
images, paragraphs, tables and pretty much everything that you could think of,
although currently only images, paragraphs and tables are supported out of
the box. In order to customise the blocks image file is built from,
the DynamicTemplate
class is used. See the example below for usage
from faker_file.base import DynamicTemplate
from faker_file.contrib.image.imgkit_snippets import (
# Create an image file with a paragraph, a picture and a table.
# The ``DynamicTemplate`` simply accepts a list of callables (such
# as ``add_paragraph``, ``add_picture``) and dictionary to be later on
# fed to the callables as keyword arguments for customising the default
# values.
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
(add_paragraph, {}), # Add paragraph
(add_picture, {}), # Add picture
(add_table, {}), # Add table
# You could make the list as long as you like or simply multiply for
# easier repetition as follows:
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
(add_paragraph, {}), # Add paragraph
(add_picture, {}), # Add picture
(add_table, {}), # Add table
* 5 # Will repeat your config 5 times
See the full example
Building mixed-content images using WeasyPrint
While WeasyPrint generator isn’t better or faster than the imgkit, it supports formats that imgkit doesn’t (and vice-versa) and therefore is a good alternative to.
See the following snippet for generating images using WeasyPrint.
from faker_file.providers.image.weasyprint_generator import (
# Generate image file using `WeasyPrint`
png_file = FAKER.png_file(image_generator_cls=WeasyPrintImageGenerator)
See the full example
All examples shown for imgkit apply for WeasyPrint generator, however when building images files from blocks (paragraphs, images and tables), the imports shall be adjusted:
As mentioned above, it’s possible to diversify the generated context with
images, paragraphs, tables and pretty much everything else that you could
think of, although currently only images, paragraphs and tables are supported.
In order to customise the blocks image file is built from, the
class is used. See the example below for usage examples:
from faker_file.contrib.image.weasyprint_snippets import (
# Create an image file with paragraph, picture and table.
# The ``DynamicTemplate`` simply accepts a list of callables (such
# as ``add_paragraph``, ``add_picture``) and dictionary to be later on
# fed to the callables as keyword arguments for customising the default
# values.
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
(add_paragraph, {}), # Add paragraph
(add_picture, {}), # Add picture
(add_table, {}), # Add table
# You could make the list as long as you like or simply multiply for
# easier repetition as follows:
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
(add_paragraph, {}), # Add paragraph
(add_picture, {}), # Add picture
(add_table, {}), # Add table
* 5 # Will repeat your config 5 times
See the full example
Building mixed-content images using Pillow
Usage example:
from faker_file.providers.image.pil_generator import PilImageGenerator
png_file = FAKER.png_file(image_generator_cls=PilImageGenerator)
See the full example
With options:
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
"encoding": "utf8",
"font_size": 14,
"page_width": 800,
"page_height": 1200,
"line_height": 16,
"spacing": 5,
See the full example
All examples shown for imgkit and WeasyPrint apply to Pillow generator, however when building image files from blocks (paragraphs, images and tables), the imports shall be adjusted. See the example below:
from faker_file.contrib.image.pil_snippets import (
# Create an image file with paragraph, picture and table.
# The ``DynamicTemplate`` simply accepts a list of callables (such as
# ``add_paragraph``, ``add_picture``) and dictionary to be later on fed
# to the callables as keyword arguments for customising the default
# values.
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
(add_paragraph, {}), # Add paragraph
(add_picture, {}), # Add picture
(add_table, {}), # Add table
# You could make the list as long as you like or simply multiply for
# easier repetition as follows:
png_file = FAKER.png_file(
(add_paragraph, {}), # Add paragraph
(add_picture, {}), # Add picture
(add_table, {}), # Add table
* 5 # Will repeat your config 5 times
See the full example
Creating graphics-only images using Pillow
There are so called graphic
image file providers available. Produced image
files would not contain text, so don’t use it when you need text based content.
However, sometimes you just need a valid image file, without caring much about
the content. That’s where graphic image providers comes to rescue:
from faker_file.providers.png_file import GraphicPngFileProvider
FAKER.add_provider(GraphicPngFileProvider) # Register provider
png_file = FAKER.graphic_png_file()
See the full example
The generated file will contain a random graphic (consisting of lines and shapes of different colours).
One of the most useful arguments supported is size
png_file = FAKER.graphic_png_file(size=(800, 800))
See the full example
Augment existing images
Augment the input image with a series of random augmentation methods.
from faker_file.providers.augment_image_from_path import (
from faker_file.providers.augment_random_image_from_dir import (
from faker_file.providers.image.augment import (
# We assumed that directory "/tmp/tmp/" exists and contains
# image files, among which "01.png". Augmentations will be applied
# sequentially, one by one until all fulfilled. If you wish to apply only
# a random number of augmentations, but not all, pass the `num_steps`
# argument, with value less than the number of `augmentations` provided.
augmented_image_file = FAKER.augment_image_from_path(
(flip_horizontal, {}),
(flip_vertical, {}),
(decrease_contrast, {}),
(add_brightness, {}),
(resize_width, {"lower": 0.9, "upper": 1.1}),
(resize_height, {"lower": 0.9, "upper": 1.1}),
# num_steps=3,
augmented_random_image_file = FAKER.augment_random_image_from_dir(
(flip_horizontal, {}),
(flip_vertical, {}),
(decrease_contrast, {}),
(add_brightness, {}),
(resize_width, {"lower": 0.9, "upper": 1.1}),
(resize_height, {"lower": 0.9, "upper": 1.1}),
# num_steps=3,
See the full example