It’s possible to generate files from CLI.


For using CLI you should install all common dependencies (including underlying system dependencies).

Install using pipx (recommended):

pipx install faker-file[common]

Install using pip.

pip install faker-file[common] --user

List available provider options

faker-file --help


usage: faker-file [-h]

CLI for the faker-file package.

positional arguments:

                            Available file providers.
    generate-completion     Generate bash completion file.
    version                 Print version.
    bin_file                Generate a bin file.
    csv_file                Generate a csv file.
    docx_file               Generate a docx file.
    eml_file                Generate a eml file.
    epub_file               Generate a epub file.
    generic_file            Generate a generic file.
    graphic_ico_file        Generate a graphic_ico file.
    graphic_jpeg_file       Generate a graphic_jpeg file.
    graphic_pdf_file        Generate a graphic_pdf file.
    graphic_png_file        Generate a graphic_png file.
    graphic_webp_file       Generate a graphic_webp file.
    ico_file                Generate a ico file.
    jpeg_file               Generate a jpeg file.
    mp3_file                Generate a mp3 file.
    odp_file                Generate a odp file.
    ods_file                Generate a ods file.
    odt_file                Generate a odt file.
    pdf_file                Generate a pdf file.
    png_file                Generate a png file.
    pptx_file               Generate a pptx file.
    rtf_file                Generate a rtf file.
    svg_file                Generate a svg file.
    tar_file                Generate a tar file.
    txt_file                Generate a txt file.
    webp_file               Generate a webp file.
    xlsx_file               Generate a xlsx file.
    xml_file                Generate a xml file.
    zip_file                Generate a zip file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

List options for a certain provider

faker-file docx_file --help


usage: faker-file docx_file [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] [--max_nb_chars MAX_NB_CHARS] [--wrap_chars_after WRAP_CHARS_AFTER] [--content CONTENT] [--nb_files NB_FILES]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --prefix PREFIX       prefix (default: None)
  --max_nb_chars MAX_NB_CHARS
                        max_nb_chars (default: 10000)
  --wrap_chars_after WRAP_CHARS_AFTER
                        wrap_chars_after (default: None)
  --content CONTENT     content (default: None)
  --nb_files NB_FILES   number of files to generate (default: 1)

Generate a file using certain provider

faker-file docx_file


Generated docx_file file: tmp/tmpva0mp3lp.docx

Shell auto-completion

First, generate shell auto-completion file.

faker-file generate-completion

Then, source the generated file:

source ~/

Now you can use auto-completion. Simply type faker-file [tab-tab] to see the list of available options:

$ faker-file
bin_file             graphic_jpeg_file    ods_file             txt_file
csv_file             graphic_pdf_file     odt_file             version
docx_file            graphic_png_file     pdf_file             webp_file
eml_file             graphic_webp_file    png_file             xlsx_file
epub_file            ico_file             pptx_file            xml_file
generate-completion  jpeg_file            rtf_file             zip_file
generic_file         mp3_file             svg_file
graphic_ico_file     odp_file             tar_file

It works with sub options too:

$ faker-file docx_file --
--content    --max_nb_chars    --prefix    --wrap_chars_after    --nb_files

To update the completion script, simply run the generate-completion command again and source the ~/ as already shown above.