Source code for faker_file.providers.image.augment

import io
import logging
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter, ImageOps

from ...helpers import random_pop

__author__ = "Artur Barseghyan <>"
__copyright__ = "2022-2023 Artur Barseghyan"
__license__ = "MIT"
__all__ = (

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Default methods
[docs]def resize_width( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 0.5, upper: float = 1.5 ) -> Image.Image: """Resize the image in width by a random percentage. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random resize. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random resize. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ width_percent = random.uniform(lower, upper) return img.resize((int(img.width * width_percent), img.height))
[docs]def resize_height( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 0.5, upper: float = 1.5 ) -> Image.Image: """Resize the image in height by a random percentage. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random resize. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random resize. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ height_percent = random.uniform(lower, upper) return img.resize((img.width, int(img.height * height_percent)))
[docs]def grayscale(img: Image.Image) -> Image.Image: """Convert the image to grayscale.""" return img.convert("L")
[docs]def add_contrast( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 1, upper: float = 2 ) -> Image.Image: """Enhance the image's contrast by a random factor. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random enhancement. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random enhancement. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img) return enhancer.enhance(random.uniform(lower, upper))
[docs]def decrease_contrast( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 0.5, upper: float = 1 ) -> Image.Image: """Reduce the image's contrast by a random factor. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random enhancement. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random enhancement. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img) return enhancer.enhance(random.uniform(lower, upper))
[docs]def add_saturation( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 1, upper: float = 2 ) -> Image.Image: """Enhance the image's color saturation by a random factor. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random enhancement. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random enhancement. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(img) return enhancer.enhance(random.uniform(lower, upper))
[docs]def add_brightness( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 1, upper: float = 2 ) -> Image.Image: """Increase the image's brightness by a random factor. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random enhancement. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random enhancement. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(img) return enhancer.enhance(random.uniform(lower, upper))
[docs]def add_darkness( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 0.5, upper: float = 1 ) -> Image.Image: """Decrease the image's brightness by a random factor. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random enhancement. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random enhancement. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(img) return enhancer.enhance(random.uniform(lower, upper))
[docs]def flip_vertical(img: Image.Image) -> Image.Image: """Flip the image vertically.""" return img.transpose(method=Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
[docs]def flip_horizontal(img: Image.Image) -> Image.Image: """Flip the image horizontally.""" return img.transpose(method=Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
[docs]def rotate( img: Image.Image, lower: int = -45, upper: int = 45, ) -> Image.Image: """Rotate the image by a random angle. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random rotation. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random rotation. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ angle = random.randint(lower, upper) return img.rotate(angle)
[docs]def gaussian_blur( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 0.5, upper: float = 3 ) -> Image.Image: """Apply Gaussian blur to the image using a random radius. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random radius. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random radius. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ return img.filter( ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=random.uniform(lower, upper)) )
[docs]def solarize(img: Image.Image, threshold: int = 128) -> Image.Image: """Invert pixel values above a specified threshold.""" if img.mode == "RGBA": # Split the image into RGB and alpha rgb, alpha = img.split()[0:3], img.split()[3] # Convert the RGB tuple back to an image rgb_img = Image.merge("RGB", rgb) # Solarize the RGB image solarized_rgb = ImageOps.solarize(rgb_img, threshold=threshold) # Merge back with the alpha channel solarized_img = Image.merge("RGBA", (*solarized_rgb.split(), alpha)) return solarized_img else: return ImageOps.solarize(img, threshold=threshold)
[docs]def random_crop( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 0.6, upper: float = 0.9 ) -> Image.Image: """Randomly crop a portion of the image. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random crop. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random crop. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ width, height = img.size crop_size = random.uniform(lower, upper) new_width, new_height = int(width * crop_size), int(height * crop_size) left = random.randint(0, width - new_width) top = random.randint(0, height - new_height) right = left + new_width bottom = top + new_height return img.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
[docs]def equalize(img: Image.Image) -> Image.Image: """Equalize the image's histogram.""" return ImageOps.equalize(img)
[docs]def color_jitter( img: Image.Image, lower: float = 0.5, upper: float = 1.5 ) -> Image.Image: """Randomly adjust the image's brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue. :param img: Input image to be adjusted. :param lower: Lower bound for the random enhancement multiplier. Default is 0.5. :param upper: Upper bound for the random enhancement multiplier. Default is 1.5. :return: Adjusted image. """ img = ImageEnhance.Brightness(img).enhance(random.uniform(lower, upper)) img = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img).enhance(random.uniform(lower, upper)) img = ImageEnhance.Color(img).enhance(random.uniform(lower, upper)) return img
DEFAULT_AUGMENTATIONS: List[Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]] = [ (add_brightness, {}), (add_contrast, {}), (add_darkness, {}), (add_saturation, {}), (decrease_contrast, {}), (flip_horizontal, {}), (flip_vertical, {}), (grayscale, {}), (resize_height, {}), (resize_width, {}), (rotate, {}), (solarize, {}), (gaussian_blur, {}), # Additional # (equalize, {}), # (color_jitter, {}), # (random_crop, {}), ]
[docs]def augment_image( image_bytes: bytes, augmentations: Optional[List[Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, num_steps: Optional[int] = None, pop_func: Callable = random_pop, ) -> bytes: """Augment the input image with a series of random augmentation methods. Read an image provided in bytes format, applies a specified number of random augmentation methods from a given list, and then returns the augmented image in bytes format. If no list of methods is provided, a default list is used. If no number of steps (methods) is specified, all methods will be applied. :param image_bytes: Input image in bytes format. :param augmentations: List of tuples of callable augmentation functions and their respective keyword arguments. If not provided, the default augmentation functions will be used. :param num_steps: Number of augmentation steps (functions) to be applied. If not specified, the length of the `augmentations` list will be used. :param pop_func: Callable to pop items from `augmentations` list. By default, the `random_pop` is used, which pops items in random order. If you want the order of augmentations to be constant and as given, replace it with `list.pop` (`pop_func=list.pop`). :return: Augmented image in bytes format. """ # Load the image using PIL image = # Original file format somehow gets lots during conversion. # We save it for later. image_format = image.format # Convert to RGB if the image is in palette mode. If we don't do so, # some formats (namely GIF) will certainly break on this. if image.mode == "P": image = image.convert("RGB") counter = 0 if not augmentations: _augmentations = deepcopy(DEFAULT_AUGMENTATIONS) else: _augmentations = deepcopy(augmentations) if not num_steps: num_steps = len(_augmentations) while counter < num_steps: func_and_kwargs = pop_func(_augmentations) if func_and_kwargs: func, kwargs = func_and_kwargs # LOGGER.debug(f"Applying {func} to {id(image_bytes)}") try: image = func(image, **kwargs) except Exception as err: # Some combination of filters may not work correctly together. # Therefore, we silence the errors here. LOGGER.warning(f"Failed to apply {func} to {id(image_bytes)}") LOGGER.exception(err) counter += 1 # Convert the image back to bytes byte_array = io.BytesIO(), format=image_format) return byte_array.getvalue()
[docs]def augment_image_file( image_path: str, augmentations: Optional[List[Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, num_steps: Optional[int] = None, pop_func: Callable = random_pop, ) -> bytes: """Augment image from path. Augment the input image with a series of random augmentation functions. """ with open(image_path, "rb") as image_bytes: return augment_image(, augmentations=augmentations, num_steps=num_steps, pop_func=pop_func, )