faker_file.providers package



faker_file.providers.bin_file module

class faker_file.providers.bin_file.BinFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

BIN file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.bin_file import BinFileProvider

file = BinFileProvider(Faker()).bin_file()

Usage example with options:

file = BinFileProvider(Faker()).bin_file(

prefix=”zzz”, length=1024**2,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = BinFileProvider(Faker()).bin_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, length=1024**2,


Usage example with AWS S3 storage:

from faker_file.storages.aws_s3 import AWSS3Storage

file = BinFileProvider(Faker()).bin_file(

storage=AWSS3Storage(bucket_name=”My-test-bucket”), prefix=”zzz”, length=1024**2,


bin_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, length: int = 1 * 1024 * 1024, content: Optional[bytes] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
bin_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, length: int = 1 * 1024 * 1024, content: Optional[bytes] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a CSV file with random text.

  • storage – Storage class. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • length

  • content – File content. If given, used as is.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

extension: str = 'bin'

faker_file.providers.csv_file module

class faker_file.providers.csv_file.CsvFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

CSV file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.csv_file import CsvFileProvider

file = CsvFileProvider(Faker()).csv_file()

Usage example with options:

from faker_file.providers.csv_file import CsvFileProvider

file = CsvFileProvider(Faker()).csv_file(

prefix=”zzz”, num_rows=100, data_columns=(‘{{name}}’, ‘{{sentence}}’, ‘{{address}}’), include_row_ids=True,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = CsvFileProvider(Faker()).csv_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, num_rows=100,


csv_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, header: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, data_columns: Tuple[str, ...] = ('{{name}}', '{{address}}'), num_rows: int = 10, include_row_ids: bool = False, content: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
csv_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, header: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, data_columns: Tuple[str, ...] = ('{{name}}', '{{address}}'), num_rows: int = 10, include_row_ids: bool = False, content: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a CSV file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • header – The header argument expects a list or a tuple of strings that will serve as the header row if supplied.

  • data_columns – The data_columns argument expects a list or a tuple of string tokens, and these string tokens will be passed to pystr_format() for data generation. Argument Groups are used to pass arguments to the provider methods. Both header and data_columns must be of the same length.

  • num_rows – The num_rows argument controls how many rows of data to generate, and the include_row_ids argument may be set to True to include a sequential row ID column.

  • include_row_ids

  • content – File content. If given, used as is.

  • encoding – Encoding.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

extension: str = 'csv'

faker_file.providers.docx_file module

class faker_file.providers.docx_file.DocxFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

DOCX file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.docx_file import DocxFileProvider

file = DocxFileProvider(Faker()).docx_file()

Usage example with options:

file = DocxFileProvider(Faker()).docx_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = DocxFileProvider(Faker()).docx_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with content modifiers:

from io import BytesIO from faker_file.base import DynamicTemplate from faker_file.providers.jpeg_file import JpegFileProvider

def add_table(provider, document, data, counter, **kwargs):
table = document.add_table(

kwargs.get(“rows”, 3), kwargs.get(“cols”, 4),

) data.setdefault(“content_modifiers”, {}) data[“content_modifiers”].setdefault(“add_table”, {}) data[“content_modifiers”][“add_table”].setdefault(counter, [])

for row in table.rows:
for cell in row.cells:

text = provider.generator.paragraph() cell.text = text data[“content_modifiers”][“add_table”][counter].append(


) data[“content”] += (”

“ + text)

def add_picture(provider, document, data, counter, **kwargs):
jpeg_file = JpegFileProvider(provider.generator).jpeg_file(


) picture = document.add_picture(BytesIO(jpeg_file))

data.setdefault(“content_modifiers”, {}) data[“content_modifiers”].setdefault(“add_picture”, {}) data[“content_modifiers”][“add_picture”].setdefault(counter, [])



) data[“content”] += (”

“ + jpeg_file.data[“content”])

file = DocxFileProvider(Faker()).docx_file(

content=DynamicTemplate([(add_table, {}), (add_picture, {})])


docx_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, DynamicTemplate]] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
docx_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, DynamicTemplate]] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a DOCX file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements (still being a string), which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures. Can alternatively be a DynamicTemplate - list of content modifiers (callables to call after the document instance has been created). Each callable should accept the following arguments: provider, document, data, counter and **kwargs.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

extension: str = 'docx'

faker_file.providers.eml_file module

class faker_file.providers.eml_file.EmlFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

EML file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.eml_file import EmlFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

file = EmlFileProvider(FAKER).eml_file()

Usage example with attachments:

from faker_file.providers.helpers.inner import create_inner_docx_file from faker_file.providers.eml_file import EmlFileProvider

file = EmlFileProvider(FAKER).eml_file(

prefix=”zzz_email_”, options={

“count”: 5, “create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_docx_file, “create_inner_file_args”: {

“prefix”: “zzz_docx_file_”, “max_nb_chars”: 1_024,




Usage example of nested EMLs attachments:

from faker_file.providers.helpers.inner import create_inner_eml_file

file = EmlFileProvider(FAKER).eml_file(

“create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_eml_file, “create_inner_file_args”: {

“options”: {

“create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_docx_file,





If you want to see, which files were included inside the EML, check the file.data["files"].

eml_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
eml_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate an EML file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • options – Options (non-structured) for complex types, such as ZIP.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

extension: str = 'eml'

faker_file.providers.epub_file module

class faker_file.providers.epub_file.EpubFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

EPUB file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.epub_file import EpubFileProvider

file = EpubFileProvider(Faker()).epub_file()

Usage example with options:

file = EpubFileProvider(Faker()).epub_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = EpubFileProvider(Faker()).epub_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


epub_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, chapter_title: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
epub_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, chapter_title: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a EPUB file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • title – E-book title. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • chapter_title – Chapter title. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

extension: str = 'epub'

faker_file.providers.ico_file module

class faker_file.providers.ico_file.IcoFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, ImageMixin

ICO file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.png_file import IcoFileProvider

file = IcoFileProvider(Faker()).ico_file()

Usage example with options:

file = IcoFileProvider(Faker()).ico_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = IcoFileProvider(Faker()).ico_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'ico'
ico_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
ico_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate an ICO file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.jpeg_file module

class faker_file.providers.jpeg_file.JpegFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, ImageMixin

JPEG file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.jpeg_file import JpegFileProvider

file = JpegFileProvider(None).jpeg_file()

Usage example with options:

file = JpegFileProvider(None).jpeg_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = JpegFileProvider(Faker()).jpeg_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'jpg'
jpeg_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
jpeg_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a JPEG file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.odp_file module

class faker_file.providers.odp_file.OdpFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

ODP file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.odp_file import OdpFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

file = OdpFileProvider(FAKER).odp_file()

Usage example with options:

file = OdpFileProvider(FAKER).odp_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = OdpFileProvider(FAKER).odp_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'odp'
odp_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
odp_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate an ODP file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.ods_file module

class faker_file.providers.ods_file.OdsFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, TabularDataMixin

ODS file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.ods_file import OdsFileProvider

file = OdsFileProvider(Faker()).ods_file()

Usage example with options:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.ods_file import OdsFileProvider

file = OdsFileProvider(Faker()).ods_file(

prefix=”zzz”, num_rows=100, data_columns={

“name”: “{{name}}”, “residency”: “{{address}}”,

}, include_row_ids=True,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = OdsFileProvider(Faker()).ods_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, num_rows=100, data_columns={

“name”: “{{name}}”, “residency”: “{{address}}”,

}, include_row_ids=True,


extension: str = 'ods'
ods_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, data_columns: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, num_rows: int = 10, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
ods_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, data_columns: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, num_rows: int = 10, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate an ODS file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • data_columns – The data_columns argument expects a list or a tuple of string tokens, and these string tokens will be passed to pystr_format() for data generation. Argument Groups are used to pass arguments to the provider methods. Both header and data_columns must be of the same length.

  • num_rows – The num_rows argument controls how many rows of data to generate, and the include_row_ids argument may be set to True to include a sequential row ID column.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • content – List of dicts with content (JSON-like format). If given, used as is.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.odt_file module

class faker_file.providers.odt_file.OdtFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

ODT file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.odt_file import OdtFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

file = OdtFileProvider(FAKER).odt_file()

Usage example with options:

file = OdtFileProvider(FAKER).odt_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = OdtFileProvider(FAKER).odt_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with content modifiers:

from faker_file.base import DynamicTemplate from faker_file.providers.jpeg_file import JpegFileProvider from odf.draw import Frame, Image from odf.style import (

Style, TextProperties, TableColumnProperties, TableRowProperties, TableCellProperties, GraphicProperties,

) from odf.table import Table, TableRow, TableCell, TableColumn from odf.text import P

def add_table(provider, document, data, counter, **kwargs):

table = Table() rows = kwargs.get(“rows”, 3) cols = kwargs.get(“cols”, 4) table_col_style = Style(name=”TableColumn”, family=”table-column”) table_col_style.addElement(


) document.automaticstyles.addElement(table_col_style)

table_row_style = Style(name=”TableRow”, family=”table-row”) table_row_style.addElement(TableRowProperties(rowheight=”1cm”)) document.automaticstyles.addElement(table_row_style)

data.setdefault(“content_modifiers”, {}) data[“content_modifiers”].setdefault(“add_table”, {}) data[“content_modifiers”][“add_table”].setdefault(counter, [])

table_cell_style = Style(name=”TableCell”, family=”table-cell”) table_cell_style.addElement(


padding=”0.1cm”, border=”0.05cm solid #000000”


) document.automaticstyles.addElement(table_cell_style)

# Create table table = Table() for i in range(rows):


for row in range(cols):

tr = TableRow(stylename=table_row_style) table.addElement(tr) for col in range(4):

tc = TableCell(stylename=table_cell_style) tr.addElement(tc) text = provider.generator.paragraph() p = P(text=text) tc.addElement(p) data[“content_modifiers”][“add_table”][counter].append(text) data[“content”] += “

“ + text


def add_picture(

provider, document, data, counter, width=”10cm”, height=”5cm”, **kwargs,


paragraph = P() document.text.addElement(paragraph) jpeg_file = JpegFileProvider(provider.generator).jpeg_file() image_data = jpeg_file.data[“content”] image_frame = Frame(

width=width, height=height, x=”56pt”, y=”56pt”, anchortype=”paragraph”,

) href = document.addPicture(jpeg_file.data[“filename”]) image_frame.addElement(Image(href=href)) paragraph.addElement(image_frame)

data[“content”] += “

“ + jpeg_file.data[“content”]

data.setdefault(“content_modifiers”, {}) data[“content_modifiers”].setdefault(“add_picture”, {}) data[“content_modifiers”][“add_picture”].setdefault(counter, [])




file = OdtFileProvider(FAKER).odt_file(

content=DynamicTemplate([(add_table, {}), (add_picture, {})])


extension: str = 'odt'
odt_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, DynamicTemplate]] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
odt_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, DynamicTemplate]] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate an ODT file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.pdf_file module

class faker_file.providers.pdf_file.PdfFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

PDF file provider.

Usage example:

from faker_file.providers.pdf_file import PdfFileProvider

file = PdfFileProvider(None).pdf_file()

Usage example with options:

from faker_file.providers.pdf_file import PdfFileProvider

file = PdfFileProvider(None).pdf_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = PdfFileProvider(Faker()).pdf_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Default PDF generator class is PdfkitPdfGenerator which uses pdfkit Python package and wkhtmltopdf system package for generating PDFs from randomly generated text. The quality of the produced PDFs is very good, but it’s less performant than ReportlabPdfGenerator (factor 40x), which does not require additional system dependencies to run. To use it, pass ReportlabPdfGenerator class in pdf_generator_cls argument.

from faker_file.providers.pdf_file.generators import (



file = PdfFileProvider(None).pdf_file(

max_nb_chars=1_000, wrap_chars_after=80, pdf_generator_cls=reportlab_generator.ReportlabPdfGenerator,


extension: str = 'pdf'
pdf_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, DynamicTemplate]] = None, pdf_generator_cls: Optional[Union[str, Type[BasePdfGenerator]]] = PdfkitPdfGenerator, pdf_generator_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
pdf_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[Union[str, DynamicTemplate]] = None, pdf_generator_cls: Optional[Union[str, Type[BasePdfGenerator]]] = PdfkitPdfGenerator, pdf_generator_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a PDF file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • pdf_generator_cls – PDF generator class.

  • pdf_generator_kwargs – PDF generator kwargs.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.png_file module

class faker_file.providers.png_file.PngFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, ImageMixin

PNG file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.png_file import PngFileProvider

file = PngFileProvider(Faker()).png_file()

Usage example with options:

file = PngFileProvider(Faker()).png_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = PngFileProvider(Faker()).png_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'png'
png_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
png_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a PNG file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.pptx_file module

class faker_file.providers.pptx_file.PptxFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

PPTX file provider.

Usage example:

from faker_file.providers.pptx_file import PptxFileProvider

file = PptxFileProvider(None).pptx_file()

Usage example with options:

from faker_file.providers.pptx_file import PptxFileProvider

file = PptxFileProvider(None).pptx_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = PptxFileProvider(Faker()).pptx_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'pptx'
pptx_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
pptx_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.random_file_from_dir module

class faker_file.providers.random_file_from_dir.RandomFileFromDirProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

Random file from given directory provider.

Usage example:

from faker_file.providers.random_file_from_dir import (



file = RandomFileFromDirProvider(None).random_file_from_dir(



Usage example with options:

from faker_file.providers.random_file_from_dir import (



file = RandomFileFromDirProvider(None).random_file_from_dir(

source_dir_path=”/tmp/tmp/”, prefix=”zzz”,


extension: str = ''
random_file_from_dir(source_dir_path: str, storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
random_file_from_dir(source_dir_path: str, storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Pick a random file from given directory.

  • source_dir_path – Source files directory.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.rtf_file module

class faker_file.providers.rtf_file.RtfFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

RTF file provider.

Usage example:

from faker_file.providers.rtf_file import RtfFileProvider

file = RtfFileProvider(None).rtf_file()

Usage example with options:

from faker_file.providers.rtf_file import RtfFileProvider

file = RtfFileProvider(None).rtf_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = RtfFileProvider(Faker()).rtf_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'rtf'
rtf_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
rtf_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a RTF file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.svg_file module

class faker_file.providers.svg_file.SvgFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, ImageMixin

SVG file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.svg_file import SvgFileProvider

file = SvgFileProvider(Faker()).svg_file()

Usage example with options:

file = SvgFileProvider(Faker()).svg_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = SvgFileProvider(Faker()).svg_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'svg'
svg_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
svg_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate an SVG file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.tar_file module

class faker_file.providers.tar_file.TarFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

TAR file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.tar_file import TarFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

file = TarFileProvider(FAKER).tar_file()

Usage example with options:

from faker_file.providers.helpers.inner import create_inner_docx_file from faker_file.providers.tar_file import TarFileProvider

file = TarFileProvider(FAKER).tar_file(

prefix=”ttt_archive_”, options={

“count”: 5, “create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_docx_file, “create_inner_file_args”: {

“prefix”: “ttt_docx_file_”, “max_nb_chars”: 1_024,

}, “directory”: “ttt”,



Usage example of nested TARs:

from faker_file.providers.helpers.inner import create_inner_tar_file

file = TarFileProvider(FAKER).tar_file(

“create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_tar_file, “create_inner_file_args”: {

“options”: {

“create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_docx_file,





If you want to see, which files were included inside the TAR, check the file.data["files"].

extension: str = 'tar'
tar_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, compression: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
tar_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, compression: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a TAR file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • options – Options (non-structured) for complex types, such as ZIP.

  • compression – Desired compression. Can be None or gz, bz2 or xz.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.txt_file module

class faker_file.providers.txt_file.TxtFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

TXT file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.txt_file import TxtFileProvider

file = TxtFileProvider(Faker()).txt_file()

Usage example with options:

file = TxtFileProvider(Faker()).txt_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = TxtFileProvider(Faker()).txt_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'txt'
txt_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
txt_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_TEXT_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a TXT file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.webp_file module

class faker_file.providers.webp_file.WebpFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, ImageMixin

WEBP file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.webp_file import WebpFileProvider

file = WebpFileProvider(Faker()).webp_file()

Usage example with options:

file = WebpFileProvider(Faker()).webp_file(

prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = WebpFileProvider(Faker()).webp_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, max_nb_chars=100_000, wrap_chars_after=80,


extension: str = 'webp'
webp_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
webp_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, max_nb_chars: int = DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAX_NB_CHARS, wrap_chars_after: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a WEBP file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • max_nb_chars – Max number of chars for the content.

  • wrap_chars_after – If given, the output string would be separated by line breaks after the given position.

  • content – File content. Might contain dynamic elements, which are then replaced by correspondent fixtures.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.xlsx_file module

class faker_file.providers.xlsx_file.XlsxFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, TabularDataMixin

XLSX file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.xlsx_file import XlsxFileProvider

file = XlsxFileProvider(Faker()).xlsx_file()

Usage example with options:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.xlsx_file import XlsxFileProvider

file = XlsxFileProvider(Faker()).xlsx_file(

prefix=”zzz”, num_rows=100, data_columns={

“name”: “{{name}}”, “residency”: “{{address}}”,

}, include_row_ids=True,


Usage example with FileSystemStorage storage (for Django):

from django.conf import settings from faker_file.storages.filesystem import FileSystemStorage

file = XlsxFileProvider(Faker()).xlsx_file(

root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, rel_path=”tmp”,

), prefix=”zzz”, num_rows=100, data_columns={

“name”: “{{name}}”, “residency”: “{{address}}”,

}, include_row_ids=True,


extension: str = 'xlsx'
xlsx_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, data_columns: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, num_rows: int = 10, content: Optional[str] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
xlsx_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, data_columns: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, num_rows: int = 10, content: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StringValue

Generate a XLSX file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • data_columns – The data_columns argument expects a list or a tuple of string tokens, and these string tokens will be passed to pystr_format() for data generation. Argument Groups are used to pass arguments to the provider methods. Both header and data_columns must be of the same length.

  • num_rows – The num_rows argument controls how many rows of data to generate, and the include_row_ids argument may be set to True to include a sequential row ID column.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • content – List of dicts with content (JSON-like format). If given, used as is.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

faker_file.providers.zip_file module

class faker_file.providers.zip_file.ZipFileProvider(generator: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseProvider, FileMixin

ZIP file provider.

Usage example:

from faker import Faker from faker_file.providers.zip_file import ZipFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

file = ZipFileProvider(FAKER).zip_file()

Usage example with options:

from faker_file.providers.helpers.inner import create_inner_docx_file from faker_file.providers.zip_file import ZipFileProvider

file = ZipFileProvider(FAKER).zip_file(

prefix=”zzz_archive_”, options={

“count”: 5, “create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_docx_file, “create_inner_file_args”: {

“prefix”: “zzz_docx_file_”, “max_nb_chars”: 1_024,

}, “directory”: “zzz”,



Usage example of nested ZIPs:

from faker_file.providers.helpers.inner import create_inner_zip_file

file = ZipFileProvider(FAKER).zip_file(

“create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_zip_file, “create_inner_file_args”: {

“options”: {

“create_inner_file_func”: create_inner_docx_file,





If you want to see, which files were included inside the ZIP, check the file.data["files"].

extension: str = 'zip'
zip_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, raw: bool = True, **kwargs) BytesValue[source]
zip_file(storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs) Union[BytesValue, StringValue]

Generate a ZIP file with random text.

  • storage – Storage. Defaults to FileSystemStorage.

  • prefix – File name prefix.

  • options – Options (non-structured) for complex types, such as ZIP.

  • raw – If set to True, return BytesValue (binary content of the file). Otherwise, return StringValue (path to the saved file).


Relative path (from root directory) of the generated file or raw content of the file.

Module contents